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高中英语《Unit 2 Sports Events》教学设计



高中英语《Unit 2 Sports Events》教学设计


Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

Students can get familiar with the topic “sports” and “history of an event.”

Ability aims:

Students can catch the detailed information from the given content and then use their own words flexibly to talk about the history of a kind of sport they are interested in.

Emotional aims:

1. Students will increase their interest in discussing with others together.

2. Students will hold a positive attitude to attending sports events.

Key points

1. Students can get familiar with the topic “sports” and “history of an event”.

2. Students can apply reading and writing strategies: skimming and scanning, coherence writing.

Difficult Points

Students can talk and write the history of the sports they liked in proper way.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet the class and play a video which is a competition of Zhang Jike, a famous Chinese table tennis player. Recall students’ memory about Olympic and the things they have learned in the last few lessons.

(Justification: the teacher can use the multimedia device to arouse students’ interest about the topic “sports” and review the knowledge they learned before, which is good for new lesson. )

Step 2 Pre-writing

Students read the passage on page36 by themselves and finish the task: find out the answer about the following questions:

1. What’s the definition of table tennis?

2. Describe the history of table tennis?

3. How about table tennis today?

Choose students to give the answers.

Students read the shorter passage on page 37, then they talk about the history of bowling with group members.

(Justification: students can practice their skimming and scanning ability during this task and know some basic things about tennis, moreover, they can realize the content they are going to write.)

Step 3 While-writing

Students have 15 minutes to write a paragraph about how’s their favorite sports like nowadays according to their daily experience and the article they just read before. If some of them can finish quickly, they can also write the first two paragraph: definition and history.

(Justification: students’ writing skills can be trained. It’s an individual work, so the autonomous learning method can be demonstrated also.)

Step 4 Post-writing

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