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初中英语《Simple past tense》教学设计



初中英语《Simple past tense》教学设计

I Teaching Aims

Knowledge aims:

Students can retell the story and master the simple past tense.

Ability aims:

Students can get familiar with these grammatical rules and can use them in making sentences.

Emotional aims:

Students will be not afraid of learning the grammatical rules when they study English.

II Teaching Key &Difficult Points

Key point:

Students can retell the story and master the simple past tense.

Difficult point:

Students can get familiar with these grammatical rules and can use them in making sentences.

III Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

After greeting students, ask them if they know some fairy tales and list some traditional Chinese fairy tales for them, such as Faith will move mountains, Chang’e Flies to the Moon, Goddess Marriage and so on. Then ask if they know some western fairy tales and then lead in the class.

Step 2: Presentation

Read this passage for students and ask them what this passage is about and what kind of story it is. Then ask students to circle the verbs that appear in this passage, then instruct them to compare these verbs with their original form, tell teacher what they can find.

Teacher introduce simple past tense to students: when people want to describe something that happened in the past, we need to change the form of verb. As for regular verbs, we just put -ed at the end of the word, irregular verbs should use special forms.

Step 3: Practice

Ask students some questions that is related to the passage.

(1) What did Ali Baba do when he saw a troop of men?

(2) What did the chief of thieves do when he went up to a large rock?

(3) How did the chief of the thieves make the door close?

Step 4: Production

Students tell a story by using the simple past tense and share it with us.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

Students summarize this class with teacher together by retell this story and the homework is to ask students to write a short passage about what they did on last weekend.

IV Blackboard design

simple past tense.jpg 


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