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高中英语《Festivals around the world》教学设计



Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Warming up and lead-in

(1) Greet students.

(2) Ask students to watch a video about Easter Day and pay attention to the origin and the religion and how people celebrate it as well.

(3) After watching, ask them to share their ideas. And the teacher can tell the story about the Easter Day. Students will use proper sentences with the words “origin” “religion” and “celebrate” to answer the questions and grasp the meaning and usage of these words in the proper context.

【设计意图:通过播放节日相关的视频,可以调动学生的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣。并通过生动有趣的情境,引入本课的重点单词:origin, religion, celebrate。】

Step 2 Presentation

(1) Ask students to find out the sentences with these words or similar form among them. Through observation, students can find out the nouns: “origin” and “religion” can become adjectives: “original” and “religious” by adding -al or -ous at the end of them. The verb form: “celebrate” can become noun by adding -(a)tion. Then the teacher can tell students that the different suffixes represent the different parts of speech. They can make full use of suffix and master more words. And then ask students to finish the exercise 1:

Noun - Adjectives Verb - Noun

Origin + -al = Original Celebrate + -(a)tion = Celebration

Religion + -ous = Religious

(2) Show students some sentences:

She loves the boy as though she were his mother.

The country looks as though it is covered with pink snow.

Ask students to try to guess the meaning of the phrase “as though...”, and they will grasp the usage of it, subjunctive mood and real mood. Other phrases such as “have fun with...”, “look forward to...” will be taught in the same way.


Step 3 Practice

(1) Work with partners and finish the exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with words and expressions in the box.


(2) Work with partners and finish the exercise 3: Fill in the blanks and read the famous quotes, and think of any Chinese idioms or sayings that carry the same meaning. Then invite some students to share in front and the teacher can give some positive evaluations.



Step 4 Production

Divide students in groups of 5 students and they will do a role-play game about different festivals and celebrations in 10 minutes. One is the reporter and the others are exchange students from different countries. Students are required to make a dialogue with the words and phrases we learned today and then act it out in front.



invite some students to review today’s new words and phrases and summarize what we have learned this class together.


Make a poster about festivals around the world that they are interested in by using the words and phrases we have learned today. Share it in the next class. If necessary, they can search some useful materials on the Internet.


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