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高中英语《Workbook Unit 4 Learning Efficiently》教学设计



高中英语《Workbook Unit 4 Learning Efficiently》教学设计


Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1. Students can grasp the main idea and detailed information about the passage.

2. Students can know some knowledge of learning strategy.

Ability aims:

1 Students can practice their oral English when doing group discussion.

2. Students’ reading skills such as skimming and scanning can be enhanced.

Emotional aims:

1. Students will know their own learning style and apply some useful learning techniques into their study.

2. Through group work, students can know each other better and their cooperation spirit can be strengthened.

Key points

1. Can grasp the main idea and detailed information about the passage.

2. Can know some knowledge of learning strategy.

Difficult points

1. Can know their own learning style and apply some useful learning techniques into their study.

2. Through group work, students can know each other better and their cooperation spirit can be strengthened.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Daily greeting by asking “How is everything going?”.

2. The teacher will show students a video. In the video, several students are asked to use the same learning technique to learn, but they are found to get different results. After watching it, teacher will ask students how they think about this video. Then, lead in today’s topic: different kinds of learners should apply different learning techniques.

(Justification: It can attract students’ attention as well as enhance their understanding of learning efficiently, and lay a solid foundation for the further study.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Hand out test papers of learning style. Students will be given five minutes to finish the test. After that, teacher will tell students how to calculate to get the result. Then, some students will be invited to share their results.

(Justification: Students can know what kinds of learners they are which is beneficial for their further study.)

Step 3 While-reading

1. Extensive reading:

Students will be given two minutes to go through the passage, and they need to find how many parts there are in the passage and the main idea of each part. After that, one or two students will be asked to answer the questions.

2. Intensive reading:

Students need to read the passage again and to find more detailed information. Ten minutes will be given for them. Before reading, teacher will write down some sentences on the blackboard, and students need to tell whether they are true or not. And the teacher will check answers later. The statements are as follows:

  • 1
  • 2


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